- 30 November 2015 Metinvest launches production of high-strength rolled products for engineering and construction applications
- 11 September 2015 Metinvest plant sets galvanized steel output record
- 15 June 2015 Mariupol metallurgical plants resume production after restoration of gas supplies
- 5 June 2015 French politicians visit Ilyich Iron & Steel Works of Mariupol’s sinter plant reconstruction site
- 28 May 2015 Green City: Special sustainable urban development funds need to be created
- 26 May 2015 Metinvest begins overhaul of sintering machine #1 as part of largest environmental project in Ukrainian history
- 26 May 2015 Ilyich Iron and Steel Works of Mariupol shuts down open-hearth production
- 25 May 2015 Mariupol metals workers help to restore the Vostochny microdistrict
- 19 May 2015 Mariupol’s “We Improve the City” campaign winners announced
- 22 April 2015 Ilyich Iron & Steel Works of Mariupol posts pig iron output records
News and press-releases
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